Thursday, May 8, 2008

New Fridge + Chaos = Anxiety galore

The deep and thoughtful topic I promised has gone down the toilet..I may resuscitate it at a later date. But for now, it is swirling among the fishies.
Did you ever have a day where every damn thing just went south..ticketedy-boo? One damn irritation after another..I had that day yesterday.
We had my new shiny, sparkly fridge delivered..we took weeks to find the perfect fridge. We measured the space where the fridge was to go..but we neglected to measure door ways. So the guys in the truck..tell us there's no damn way the fridge is gonna fit..I thought they were just being lazy asses. But Nope..out comes the measuring tape and it will NOT fit. We also discovered the door leading to our kitchen measures different at the the middle ..and at the bottom. It is not uniform..the guy must have been hepped up on schnapps when the doorway was made. So, the guys wanna take the fridge back to Sears, so we can go pick out a fridge that fits. I had tears in my eyes even pondering was a difficult decision buying the damn fridge. We didn't agree on anything..doors, colour, size..but when presented with this fridge..we both loved it from first at first sight. You know you are a freaking adult when you get excited about appliances!!!
So, Abe took a look at my tearful countenance and said "Leave it in the living room..we'll get it into the kitchen" and then the adventure began. We put an emergency call into my Stepdad, the complete and ultimate handyman. He tore the trim and lintel off the door, which gave us enough room to move the fridge into the kitchen. So we try to fit the fridge into the spot, and it is a fraction of an inch too small. No problem..Abe decides to empty the cupboard that sits next to the fridge, unscrew it from the wall, move it over and rescrew it. This just adds more chaos to a kitchen that was already in Chaos. In case you don't know..I don't do chaos very well these days..I get anxious..I get panicked..I get bitchy..and then it usually ends in a complete meltdown..for me.
I took a deep breath, exited stage left, closed the kitchen door and left Abe to the chaos. All the while he was working in there, I tried to distract myself with Indiana Jones. Honestly, all I could think about was the nails, the wood, the saw dust, the concrete dust, the mess, the crap on the counter, table, and floor. Anal..simply anal retentive.
Finally, he was done. The fridge was plugged in and cool. It fit and looked incredible. I loaded everything back in, and it was so clean and so organized. I was happy as a pig in a pile of shit. I slowly cleaned up a great deal of the mess, and finished most of it today. The chaos has dissipated, and so has my anxiety.
So what the heck am I gonna do when we totally redo the kitchen in five years time??? I'll need a godamn shitload of xanax!!
Oh well, at least I got my fridge- shiny, sparkly, pretty with an ice maker to boot.

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